A felt map showing predictions for cold weather

Rachel conducted workshops as part of the development and tour of The Prediction Machine artwork. using the human sensor and felt map method she developed as part of A Conversation Between Trees, she worked with participants to write predictions for a future world impacted on climate change, based on observations of where they lived and climate modelling for their locality in 2030. Each participant took part in the human sensing activity where they were and were then invited to write a small prediction for how their observations would be different if the temperature was 3 degrees warmer.  They were then invited to create in groups felt maps to represent these changes, based on a set of weather data ranges that are used by Future Machine to decide whether the current weather is expected, unexpected or extreme. The predictions they wrote were then adapted and added to the database, and printed out by the machine during the exhibition. These workshops took place in Barracao Maravhila (Rio de Janeiro) where the project was first developed, Loughborough University, Loughborough Library, with a group of elders in Cambridge in collaboration with ‘Not Quite Over the Hill’ community group in Arbury in Cambridge (in collaboration with Cambridge Carbon Footprint).

In 2015 Rachel was invited to present The Prediction Machine at the Tropixel Ceincia Aberta Ubatuba (Open Science) Festival in Ubatuba, Brazil. Rachel conducted an informal workshop that showed what happens behind the scenes with The Prediction Machine and presented the Performing Data Toolkit as a way to make experiments with live data streams. It was an opportunity to play with climate, weather and wave data.

A later workshop took place at FACT, Liverpool with their Digital Ambassadors, working with the group to think about how Liverpool had changed in their lifetimes and to create their own mini prediction machines that showed their messages about the future depending on the weather data captured by the small devices they designed and created.

Participants creating mini-prediction machines at FACT

Image: FACT’s Digital Ambassadors making mini Prediction Machines

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