In 2021 Future Machine will be working with researchers (and match funded by) Horizon Digital Economy Research and the Mixed Reality Lab, University of Nottingham.

This will support the Future Machine Project in three ways:

Bespoke QR Codes
Making a series of bespoke QR codes that will be placed in each of the places where the Future Machine is due to appear, linking to information, videos, and audio relating to the artwork and interventions that are due to take place, in these places. To support interactions when the Future Machine isn’t present, during lockdowns and other challenging times.

An Agile Reciprocal System
Creating a system that connects the QR codes, the Future Machine mobile phone app and the real physical machine.

Studying Audiences
Studying interactions with the real physical machine when it appears in London, Nottingham, Cumbria, Oxfordshire and Somerset throughout 2021, alongside interactions with the mobile phone app and QR codes.

We will also continue our discussions around the long term nature of the project, what it means to facilitate and research a project planned for at least 10, if not 30 years, how it will be funded, researched, observed and written about. How the findings of this research might inform future research, policy and other wider impacts both now and into the future.

one of the researchers from the University of Nottingham interviewing a participant in the Future Machine launch

Image of a researcher from the Mixed Reality Lab, University of Nottingham interviewing a participant at the launch of the Future Machine in Finsbury Park, 2019.
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